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Asked by: Mimuntz Borgards
real estate real estate buying and sellingHow do you sell to customers?
Here are seven strategies to build credibility andtrustthat will increase repeat sales:
- Be a true consultant for your customer.
- Talk results with customers.
- Be innovative.
- Do your homework.
- Focus on results and relationships.
- Go to school on your competitors.
- View each customer's company as a market.
In respect to this, how do you approach a customer to sell your product?
Here are five ways you can stay on top of the salesskillscustomers value most:
- Be Proactive. When I ask my clients customers about themostimportant assets a salesperson can have, they often mentionaproactive approach.
- Communicate.
- Have a Positive Attitude.
- Understand the Clients' Business.
- Follow Up.
- The first thing you're selling is yourself. Forget abouttheproduct or service.
- Listen more than you talk. Bad salespeople can't get overhowamazing their product is—they go on and on about it!
- Know who to sell to.
- Understand what motivates the other side.
- Keep it simple.
Secondly, how would you encourage customers to buy your product?
6 Ways to Influence Customers and Grow Sales
- Make them feel uniquely special. Smile and truly welcomeyourcustomer.
- Offer lots of information. Consumers look fortrustworthy,knowledgeable individuals to educate them on apurchase.
- Customers need to be involved in the decision.
- Tell the story.
- Make realistic promises.
- Provide a high level of service.
So here are the 15 things you never want to dowithcustomers — and some positive alternatives:
- Be late.
- 2. Make excuses.
- Be unprepared.
- Insult the competition.
- Look at your smartphone.
- Alienate people.
- Skydive.
- Complain or gossip.