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Asked by: Erradi Quadrio
events and attractions baby showerHow do you send graduation announcements?
Simply so, how do you mail graduation announcements?
Formally address the mailing envelope by hand.Use titles like "Ms." or "Dr." Spell out words completely, ratherthan using abbreviations, like "Street" rather than "St." Slip theannouncement, fold first and face up, into the small innerenvelope. Do not lick or tuck in the inner envelopeflap.
Just so, when should I mail graduation announcements?
Graduation announcements should be sent out atleast two weeks before the event. If they don't include aninvitation, you can send them up to six weeksafter the event. You may also consider sending out a save the dateemail three months before the ceremony to ensure loved onescan attend.
Graduation announcements“announce” your graduation. The word“announcement” means you are sharing the news,not necessarily inviting the recipient to the ceremony orparty.