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Asked by: Joachim Fulop
music and audio dance and electronic musicHow do you send live wallpapers on WhatsApp?
Here's how you send a live pic via Whatsapp:
- Open the Photos app.
- Choose the Live Photo you want to edit.
- Swipe up and apply the feature you want: Bounce or Loopwillgive the photo a quality similar to a GIF.
- Now you can open WhatsApp or another messaging appthatsupports GIFs.
- Select the chat.
Accordingly, how do I send a live photo on WhatsApp with sound?
To send a Live Photo as an animatedGIFfile, simply select it from your Photos library andchooseSelect as GIF. You can also 3D Touch any Live Photo,thenswipe up and choose Select as GIF, as shown on thescreenshotsbelow.
Furthermore, can you send live photos?
You can share your Live Photos toanotheriOS device using iMessage, AirDrop, or by sharing aphotoalbum via iCloud. If you send Live Photos toanothercompatible device the recipient will be able to use3D Touchto activate the Live Photo by pressing onithard.
How to Turn Live Photos ON or OFF on iPhoneCamera
- Open the Camera from either the iPhone lock screen or theCameraapp.
- From the Photo view, tap the little concentric circle iconnearthe top (or side) of the screen to toggle Live Photos ONorOFF.
- Take your pictures as usual.