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Asked by: Bacar Thellmann
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you set a gem in a prong setting?
Consequently, how do you make a prong setting?
- Step One: Create a jump ring. Place your stone on a flat surface and create a circle of wire around the widest part.
- Step Two: Cut your prongs.
- Step Three: Solder your prongs.
- Step Four: Bending your prongs.
- Step Five: Solder to your ring.
- Step Six: Set your stone.
- Step Seven: Trim your prongs.
Hereof, how do you use a prong setting pliers?
Squeeze the handle on the gem setting pliers so the jaws close, compressing the prong and capturing the stone. Turn the pliers around and rest one jaw along the side of the prong just closed, and the other on the tip of the opposing prong. Squeeze the handle on the pliers, compressing the prong, capturing the stone.
If the diamond is in a prong setting, there is a tool to open up the prongs. It is like a small plier with a groove on one side. One positions the groove over the prong and gently pulls it back, repeating the process on all the prongs until the stone falls loose.