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Asked by: Bihotza Miguelana
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow do you set up a 3d projector?
- Turn off the projector.
- Connect the 3D Sync Transmitter to the 3DSyncinput on the back of projector.
- Set the 3D Sync Transmitter in a place where itisfree from obstruction.
- If using a 3D capable Blu-ray Disc® playerorPlayStation® 3 (PS3) console, insert a 3D movie orgametitle.
Thereof, can I play 3d movies on my projector?
All 3D-enabled TVs and most3D-enabledVideo Projectors work with the 3Dstandards approvedfor Blu-ray, cable/satellite, and streamingsources.
Correspondingly, does 3d projector need special screen?
For active 3D, we recommend aprojectorwith at least 2,000 lumens. So far, all 3DDLPprojectors use the DLPLink protocol to sync the glassesandthe screen. We predict this setup, in which a white lightisbeamed from the projector to the screen totheglasses, will become the standard for3Dprojection.
Price. Fear not, today's homeentertainmentprojectors sporting 3D start around $500for 720presolution, and from $699 for full 1080p with 3D.Stillmoving up from entry level needs to get you up to around$900– $1000 with popular projectors from BenQ andEpsonand Optoma as excellent examples.