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Asked by: Vasco Southwick
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you sew elastic to stretch fabric?
- Finish the hem of the garment, if applicable.
- Pin the elastic to the wrong side of the garment, matching the three pins on the elastic and on the fabric.
- Switch the elastic to the fabric, stretching the elastic between the pins.
Similarly, it is asked, what Stitch do you use for stretchy fabric?
The best stitches to use for sewing stretch fabrics are:
- Narrow zigzag: opt for a very narrow setting with the zigzag, with the stitch length equal to the stitch width.
- Overedge stitch: a specialty stitch that locks over the edge of the fabric so it stitches and finishes a seam in one pass.
Secondly, what is a stretch stitch on a sewing machine?
A stretch stitch is what you will commonly use if you plan to sew stretch fabric. This stretch stitch is a perfectly straight stitch but it allows for stretching without the stitching popping or breaking which is what would happen if stretching a regular straight stitch.
For a stretch stitch, you will need to use a narrow zigzag stitch. Small adjustments to increase the width from a straight stitch to a zigzag stitch will allow the stitching to stretch with the fabric while sewing a straight seam at the same time.