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In respect to this, how do you vent a chicken sex?
Vent sexing, also known simply asventing,involves squeezing the feces out of thechick, which opensup the chick's anal vent(called a cloaca) slightly,allowing the chicken sexer to seeif the chick has asmall "bump", which would indicate thatthe chick is amale.
Accordingly, how do you tell the difference between a rooster and a hen chick?
Roosters usually have tall, upright andlargercombs than hens. If the rooster is young, hewillhave a more pronounced comb than female chicks of thesameage. Roosters tend to have redder combs and wattles atanearlier age than those chicks of the sameage.
Many pregnant women find out their baby's sex(ifthey choose to know) during their midpregnancyultrasound,which is usually done between 16 and 20 weeks. However,if thetechnician can't get a clear view of thebaby'sgenitals, it may not be possible to tellforsure.