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Asked by: Aisatu Andreoni
technology and computing smartphonesHow do you share someone's name on Snapchat?
Correspondingly, how do you share someone's username on Snapchat?
Share profiles Step 1: On the Friends screen, tap and hold onthefriend whose username you wish to share. Step3:Either scroll through your list of contacts and tapsomeoneto send your friend's username to them,or tap“Send To …” at the top of thescreen tosearch for someone manually.
Beside this, what happens when you share username on Snapchat?
How it works: “Share Username”allowsthe user to Share their Snapname via url. When thereceiveropens the message on a mobile device, the sender is addedto theirSnapchat friends.
When you send a snap to a friendandthey happen to take a screenshot of it before theirviewingtime is up and the snap expires,you'llreceive a notification from Snapchatsaying,"[Username] took a screenshot!"