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Asked by: Diocelina Liso
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you sharpen a hedge trimmer with a file?
The simplest way to sharpen your hedge trimmer blade is by using a hedge trimmer. When you use a file over each blade, you have to move in a downward motion. Before you go back up, lift the file off of the blade each time. If you go up and down on the blade, you're most likely making it duller than it was before.
Consequently, how do you sharpen a hedge clipper with a file?
Sharpen Hedge Shears With a File
- Step 1: Tighten the Pivot Nut. Before sharpening, check the pivot nut.
- Step 2: File the Edge to Expose Clean Metal. Clamp the blade firmly in a vise.
- Step 3: Sand the Back Side of the Blade. Place a sheet of 300-grit wet/dry sandpaper on a smooth, flat piece of plywood.
- Step 4: Tip: Use Hedge Clippers.
- Sharpen using a flat file. To ensure long-lasting cutting performance, follow these two steps. First of all, a flat file can be used.
- Remove the burr with a sharpening stone. For the second step, remove the burr from the bottom of the blade using a sharpening stone.
Keeping this in view, do you sharpen hedge trimmer blades?
Yes, hedge trimmers can be sharpened and there are a couple of methods you can use to sharpen the blades on your hedge trimmer. You can use a mill file and sharpen them by hand, a Dremel tool sharpener, or you can use a power grinder which will make the process a bit faster.
Switch on the Dremel and move it slowly to the hedge trimmer's blades. Apply light pressure to prevent over sharpening the blades, slowly use small but short strokes, long strokes causes unevenly sharpened blades.