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Asked by: Colon Yushkin
style and fashion fashion trendsHow do you shred jeans with a cheese grater?
Vigorously rub the sandpaper across thejeanswhere you want to rip them. Slide the book downthe pant leguntil it's between the fabrics of where you're working.Continue tosand like crazy. Then take your cheese grater anddo thesame thing that you did with the sandpaper.
In respect to this, can you make ripped jeans with a razor?
If you want to create holes,usescissors, a razor, or a sharp knifetorip your jeans. X-acto knives or boxcutterswill work as well. To create a frayedlook,use sandpaper, a cheese grater, steel wool, or apumicestone.
Accordingly, how do you rip jeans with sandpaper?
Rub on the first area with a piece of 30 or60-gritsandpaper. Have patience because you will have towear downthe denim fibers to create the rips.Stopsanding once you make a rip in the jeans.Cutthe rip with a pair of scissors to customize it,orleave it as is.
Method 1 Sewing a Small Hole
- Trim away the frayed edges.
- Thread a needle.
- Tie a knot in the thread.
- Insert the needle 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) from the sideofhole.
- Weave through the denim on the edges of the hole.
- Work all the way across and beyond the hole.
- Tie off the thread inside of your jeans.