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Asked by: Lamberto Mellouki
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsHow do you sign don't like?
Thereof, how do you sign like?
Signing: This sign is done withyourdominant hand and it starts on the chest. Pull your hand awaywhilemaking your middle finger and your thumb finger come togetheras ifin grabbing a thread. Usage: We use the sign forliketo express how much we are pleased by a person, objector activity..
Consequently, how do you say I can't hear in sign language?
In the sign for "can't," both handsarefacing palm down and are in "index finger handshapes." Holdtheright hand a few inches above and an inch to the right of thelefthand. Bring the right hand down sharply and whack thefingernail ofthe left index finger with the fingerprint side of theright indexfinger.
Signing: To sign don't like, takeyourstrong hand and and touch your middle and ring fingers toyourthumb, while extending your pinkie and index fingers. Startingwithyour hand at the opposite chest, move your hand away from yourbodyextending all your fingers. The look of utter disdain isoptional,but fun!