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Asked by: Xisca Emmanuel
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsHow do you sign like a shirt?
Besides, how do you sign clothes?
Signing: Clothes is signed bytakingboth hands, and touching your thumbs on your shoulder as youbrushyour hands down the chest. The sign looks like yourarebrushing off your clothes. Usage: Teaching thesignfor clothes helps you prepare baby when youdressthem.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you say I like something in sign language?
Another way to sign "like" is byplacingboth your right thumb and your index finger close to yourchest.Extend your other fingers. As you move your handforwardslightly, bring your thumb and index fingertogether.
American SignLanguage:"black" The sign for "black" uses a straightindexfinger and moves the tip across theforehead.