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Asked by: Alfreda Porcher
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you smoke a rabbit in an electric smoker?
Similarly, you may ask, can you smoke Rabbit?
Place the rabbit in the smoker and addhickorywood to the smoke box. After 15 minutes, moptherabbit with barbecue sauce and repeat every 15minutes.After two hours, remove the rabbit fromthesmoker.
Secondly, how do you smoke a squirrel?
Slow smoke for one hour. Seasonthesquirrel with your favorite BBQ rub and place onasmoker at about 250 degrees. While thesquirrelssmoke, slice the onions and spread evenly over thebottom of analuminum pan. Lay the smoked squirrels over theonions andadd either a can of beer or chicken stock.
Pan Sear the Rabbit Heat a large pan on medium-high heat and add oil tothepan. Add the rabbit pieces and sear them on all sidesuntilit is all well browned (5 minutes per each side). It'simportant tobe patient when coloring the meat - don't turn toooften. Seasonthe rabbit with salt and pepper whileit'scooking.