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Asked by: Jhonnatan Rite
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you smooth wood with sandpaper?
Also to know is, does sanding wood make it smooth?
But these finishes can be madeultimatelysmooth simply by sanding between curedcoats orsanding each additional coat while it is still weton thesurface using #400- or #600-grit sandpaper. In fact,thefiner the grit the wood is sanded to, the lesscolora stain leaves when the excess is wiped off.
Consequently, how do you smooth rough wood on a surface?
Finish your sanding with a fine-gritsandpaperbetween 150 and 180 grit. Finish-sanding is bestdone byhand with a sanding block. Thoroughly sandthesurface of your project to leave a verysmoothfinish. It is not recommended you sand with loosesandpaper,especially on soft woods.
DIY Shiny Wood Finish
- Sand the surface of the wood with 600-grit sand paper toremoveany imperfections and to give the polyurethane agrippingsurface.
- Wipe the surface clean with a rag dampened withmineralspirits.
- Brush clear pore filler onto the wood surface with apaintsponge.