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Asked by: Djiby Brugging
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you smooth wood without sanding?
Just so, how do you smooth out wood?
Finish your sanding with a fine-grit sandpaperbetween150 and 180 grit. Finish-sanding is best done by hand withasanding block. Thoroughly sand the surface of your project toleavea very smooth finish. It is not recommended you sandwithloose sandpaper, especially on soft woods.
Furthermore, how do you smooth wood without sandpaper?
With that in mind, here are three ways to finishwoodprojects (meaning to get them nice and smooth) that don'trequiresandpaper.
- Scraping. This can be done with a knife held at 90 degreestothe wood, with a cabinet scraper or even a piece of broken glassina pinch.
- Burnishing. Rubbing the wood.
- Sanding.
But these finishes can be madeultimatelysmooth simply by sanding between curedcoats orsanding each additional coat while it is still weton thesurface using #400- or #600-grit sandpaper. In fact,thefiner the grit the wood is sanded to, the lesscolora stain leaves when the excess is wiped off.