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Asked by: Bilel Gaekwad
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you soften hard corn on the cob?
Heat water in a pot to boiling, add the cleanedandshucked corn and turn off the heat. Cover the pot with alidand set the timer for five minutes. When the time's up, removethecorn from the water promptly. It will be bright yellow,butjuicy and slightly crisp.
Besides, how do you soften corn on the cob?
Boil the corn 1 minute then remove the earswithtongs. (The husks soften in the boiling water, so trytokeep them out of the water and do not pull on the huskswhenremoving the ears from the water.)
Also to know, why is my corn on the cob hard?
Overcooked corn is chewy because heatgraduallybreaks down the corn's cell walls, causing thekernels tolose their subtle crunch. For best results, cook thecorn inboiling water for just a few minutes, until thekernels are stillcrisp but easily pierced with a fork.
- Soak your giant white corn overnight, for approximately12-14hours. Rinse and Drain.
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
- Toss corn with oil, sugar and salt.
- Put on a non stick baking sheet in a single layer.
- Bake for 30-40 minutes or until slightly browned.
- Let cool, enjoy!