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Asked by: Khlifa Italiano
home and garden home improvementHow do you soften window glazing putty?
Just so, how do you soften window glazing?
Remove the old window glaze putty With a heat gun in one hand and a stiff putty knife in the other, heat the putty to soften it and gouge it out. Wear leather gloves to protect your hands from burns. Keep the heat gun moving to avoid concentrating heat in one spot. Otherwise, the heat will crack the glass.
Regarding this, how do you soften hard window putty?
To apply even more heat you can use a heat gun to soften the putty. Put a long metal drywall knife between the putty and the glass to protect the glass from the heat. Apply heat from the heat gun and using a heat resistant chisel chip away as much putty as you can. Work on a section just a few inches long at one time.
Many times panes of glass in single pane, double hung wood windows have be repaired using caulk instead of the glazing compound traditionally used. Nobody uses caulk for a good reason,it does not stick to dissimilar or porous wood surfaces very well. The caulk may just detach.