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Asked by: Buba Jovtun
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do you spell Lauren for a girl?
Just so, how do you spell the girls name Lauren?
Proper noun
- A female given name; a variant of Laura or a modernfeminineform of Lawrence. Popular in the 1990s and the 2000s.
- A male given name, a rare spelling variant of Loren.
- A rare surname?.
Besides, is Lauren a female name?
Lauren is ultimately derived from theLatinname Laurentius, meaning "Man from Laurentum". Todaythisname is relatively unused for males, however, itwasoriginally as masculine name. It was only popularisedforfemales after Betty Joan Perske took on LaurenBacallas her stage name.
The popularity of the name Lauren shotupfrom rank 267 in the U.S. to #9 at its peak in 1989, accordingtodata from the Social Security Administration. I was born in 1985,agood year to be a Lauren. My name ranked15thoverall, and still had its best days ahead.