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Asked by: Piere Ascencio
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do you spell Lauren for a guy?
Lauren is ultimately derived from the LatinnameLaurentius, meaning "Man from Laurentum". Today this nameisrelatively unused for males, however, it was originallyasmasculine name. It was only popularised for females afterBettyJoan Perske took on Lauren Bacall as herstagename.
Correspondingly, how do you spell the male name Lauren?
A male given name, a rarespellingvariant of Loren.
Also to know is, is Lauren a gender neutral name?
Willie is an English name that you don't hearasoften now. According the,thegender-neutral name peaked in 1919 when 6,942boysand 4,050 girls were named Willie. While the nameisn'tincredibly popular now, it's given more to boysthangirls.
Lauren. Lauren may be a givennameor surname. The name's meaning may be "laureltree", "sweetof honor", or "wisdom".