Asked by: Judson Bentz
medical health ear nose and throat conditions

How do you spell the sound of a school bell?

"Tinkle" would apply at best to a very small bell(and at worst is slang for urinate as I commented above), and"brrring" would apply to the repeated hammering on a bellsuch as one used to hear telephones or school bellsmake.

In this way, what is the long sound of bells called?

A "ring of bells" is the name bell ringersgive to a set of bells hung for English full circle ringing.The term "peal of bells" is often used, though peal alsorefers to a change ringing performance of more than about 5,000changes.

Likewise, how do you describe ringing? Typically, sufferers describe the sound as“ringing in ears,” though others describeit as hissing, buzzing, whistling, roaring and even chirping. Forsome, tinnitus is mild and intermittent. For others, it can besevere and last all day.

People also ask, what sound does a river make?

The verb burble captures both the movement of the waterand the sound it makes as it moves. You could also say thata brook or stream or river babbles or ripples or eventrickles. The word burble was first used in the 1300's, and itprobably comes from an imitation of the sound a rippling,bubbling brook makes.

What is the sound of all animals?

This is a list of vocabulary related to sounds ofanimals

Animals Sounds
Calves bleat
Camels grunt
Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl
Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)

Related Question Answers

Trinity Carrere


What sound does a bell make in words?

The sound of a hand held brass bell, tome, is "ding-a-ling." "Tinkle" would apply at best to a very smallbell (and at worst is slang for urinate as I commentedabove), and "brrring" would apply to the repeated hammering on abell such as one used to hear telephones or school bellsmake.

Asuncion Herbers


What is one Bell called?

clapper. The tongue of a bell — the partinside that swings to make the bell ring — iscalled the clapper. The noun clapper is based on clap, fromthe Old English word clappan, which means to clap, throb, or beat.The word is supposed to be imitative of the sound the thingmakes.

Aynoa Artuch


What does ringing bells mean?

to ring a bell. phrase. If you say thatsomething rings a bell, you mean that it reminds youof something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is.[informal] The name doesn't ring a bell.

Thierno Cuñarro


What does a bell do?

This phrase is frequently used in reply to a partyinvitation and the common format in that case is to indicate one'senthusiasm with 'I'll be there with bells on!'. The phraseoriginated in the late 19th/early 20th centuries and most of theearly citations of it suggest a US origin.

Frieda Abushenko


What is the sound of bull called?

To bellow is to shout in a deep, angry voice. Bellowcomes from Middle English, and means "to roar like a bull."A cow's deep moo is called a low, so bellow just adds a bigangry bull to the standard moo. We use bellow for humanspeech that has that angry power of a loud bovine, or for any loud,threatening noise.

Madlyn Barb


How does the bell make a sound?

When a bell is struck, the metal vibrates. Thevibrations travel through the air as sound waves. When thesewaves reach our ears, they make our eardrums vibrate, and wehear the sound of the bell ringing. Soundalways needs to travel through some kind of medium, such as air,water, or metal.

Dierdre Biebl


What is Leaf sound?

A rustling is a gentle swishing sound, like therustling of leaves in the trees on a breezy night. Rustlingcan be a noun or an adjective, in both cases describing the muffledsound of leaves or paper.

Yris Wotschel


Is Bell an onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia Gone Wild
A big part of the sound of this poem is Poe's use ofonomatopoeia. Besides being a really fun word to say aloud,onomatopoeia refers either to words that resemble in soundwhat they represent. In "The Bells," Poe uses words like"jingling," "tinkling," "clash," and "clang."

Hiedi Garcia Cano


What is the onomatopoeia for rain?

A2A Onomatopoeia is the sound that is made by theperson, place or thing. Buzz, is the sound a bee makes, Pitter,patter is the sound that rain makes. Bang and crack areonomatopoeias that are made by guns, thunder andfirecrackers.

Yussef Tortora


What is sound of water?

Sound in water and sound in air are bothwaves that move similarly and can be characterized the same way.Sound waves can travel through any substance, includinggases (such as air), liquids (such as water), and solids(such as the seafloor). Amplitude refers to the change in pressureas the sound wave passes by.

Shuangwei Tulebaev


What is wind sound called?

Eolian sound, also spelled Aeolian, soundproduced by wind when it encounters an obstacle. Fixedobjects, such as buildings and wires, cause humming or otherconstant sounds called eolian tones; moving objects, such astwigs and leaves, cause irregular sounds.

Talib Enzil


What are soft sounds?

soft c sound (suh): cell, city softg sound (juh): gerbil, gym. Usually, a c or g soundis hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it.Here's the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, itssound is hard. cap, cave, colt, comedy, curly, cuddle gas,gather, goblet, goddess, gum, gutter.

Edgard Blumfeld


How do I know I have tinnitus?

The sounds you hear can help your doctor identify apossible underlying cause.
  • Clicking. Muscle contractions in and around your ear can causesharp clicking sounds that you hear in bursts.
  • Rushing or humming.
  • Heartbeat.
  • Low-pitched ringing.
  • High-pitched ringing.
  • Other sounds.

Salimata Sequeiro


Is tinnitus serious?

Common causes are excessive or cumulative noiseexposure, head and neck injuries, and ear infections. It canoccasionally indicate a serious underlying medicalcondition. There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are waysof managing it. Here are some key points abouttinnitus.

Olav Eijkman


What is ringing in the ears called?

Ear ringing and other abnormal ear noisesis medically called tinnitus. People with tinnitusperceive buzzing, roaring, and pulsitile sounds when no actualsound is present.

Mariangel Grohotov


What are words that describe sounds?

Describing Pleasing Sounds
  • dulcet – soft and pleasant.
  • lilting – a sound that has a rising and fallingpattern.
  • listenable – easy to listen to.
  • mellow – a soft, smooth, pleasant sound.
  • melodic – beautiful sound.
  • musical – sounds like music.
  • pure – a clear, beautiful sound.
  • rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way.

Seedy Dobropolsky


Does everyone have tinnitus?

The truth is that tinnitus sounds are not thesame for everyone. Ringing is most common, but so isbuzzing, whooshing or humming. Tinnitus sounds can even varyper individual from day to day.

Baljinder Achuri


How do you describe touch in writing?

Texture describes the way something feels whentouched or eaten. It also describes the way somethinglooks or feels because of the way in which it is made.