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Asked by: Lifen Stoecker
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you spray texture a ceiling with joint compound?
The usual method for applying the texture onceilings is to spray it on with a hopper gun. Youthen scrape over the spray with a drywall knife to"knock it down" and create a flat, pebbly texture. Regulardrywall joint compound, or mud, is generally used to createthe knockdown texture.
Likewise, how do you texture a joint compound ceiling?
How to Use Joint Compound for a Textured Ceiling
- Prepare the room from top to bottom.
- Mix 2 quarts of water into a 5-gallon bucket of jointcompound.
- Pour some of the mixture into a paint roller tray.
- Finish the ceiling by going around the edges to roll or stomp apattern all the way to the walls.
- Let the ceiling dry for 24 hours.
Consequently, how much does ceiling texture cost?
Costs. The basic labor for a 250-square foot texturedceiling, including the cost of the texture materialbut with no additional prep work, costs between $215 and $260 forabout 3.5 hours. The ceiling needs 1 gallon of paint for aprice of $15 to $30.
- Choose a stomp brush.
- Mix your drywall texture together.
- Dip your paint roller into the compound and get it fullysaturated.
- Test the ceiling texture mix on a piece of cardboard.
- Roll a layer of paint onto the ceiling.
- Press the brush against the wall to create the texture.