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Asked by: Aldonza Ibernon
real estate real estate buying and sellingHow do you stage a living room?
Home Staging Tips for Living Rooms
Use bright colors for accents such as flowers, pillows or throws. Bring in plants to liven up the space. Arrange furniture in vignettes to create conversation areas. Use smaller sofas and chairs to make the room appear larger.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you stage a small living room?
Think Big: 7 Home Staging Secrets to Make a Small Living Room Look Huge
- Don't leave your living room empty. Minimalist, not empty.
- Carefully consider your seating scheme.
- Scale down your furniture.
- Build around your largest piece—and edit ruthlessly.
- Balance color.
- Use the right materials.
- Lighten up.
Also know, how much does it cost to stage a room?
File this one under "obvious"—but the pricier the staged home, the higher the potential home staging costs. As a general rule of thumb, the average cost for most stagers is $300 to $600 for an initial design consultation, and $500 to $600 per month per staged room.
Here's how to stage a house.
- Understand why you're staging a house. Staging a house is a strategic move for sellers.
- Get rid of clutter.
- Aim for a light and bright look.
- Stage important rooms first.
- Remove and/or rent furniture.
- Arrange furniture.
- Work on your home's curb appeal.
- Add little extras.