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Asked by: Dinesh Celigueta
technology and computing artificial intelligenceHow do you start thinking rationally?
- Accept the challenge to develop your rationalthinking.Becoming more rational begins with changing theway youprocess through events and the way that youthink.
- Confront your cognitive biases.
- Develop a system or approach to improve yourrationalthinking.
- Practice your rational thinking habits.
In this manner, what does it mean to think rationally?
While your brother has an artistic temperament, youhavea rational one. Rational comes from the Latinwordrationalis, meaning reasonable or logical. Ifyou'rerational, you do things based on logic, asopposed toimpulse or whimsy. The original meaning in Englishwas ofsomething endowed with the ability to reason.
Hereof, what is rational thought process?
Rational thinking is the ability to considertherelevant variables of a situation and to access, organize,andanalyze relevant information (e.g., facts, opinions, judgments,anddata) to arrive at a sound conclusion.
A number is rational if it canberepresented as pq with p,q∈Z and q≠0. It canberepresented as a ratio of two integers as well as ratio ofitselfand an irrational number such that zero is notdividend inany case. People say that 0 is rationalbecause it isan integer.