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Asked by: Forrest Etchebarne
medical health dental healthHow do you sterilize bottles when traveling?
How to sterilize baby bottles in hotel roomsinks:
- Fill travel kettle and set to boil.
- Once kettle has boiled, rinse sink, stopper and tongswithboiling water.
- Fill sink with hot soapy water and wash bottles,nipples,sippy cups, breast pump parts, pacifiers, and any feedingutensilsyou want sterilized.
In this manner, how do you sterilize baby bottles when traveling?
Pack a Travel Sterilizer – If you are nearawashing up area on the flight, you can use the Miltontravelsterilizer and tablets. It can sterilize asinglebottle in the microwave in two minutes or in coldwater afterfifteen minutes.
- Remove all the labels from your bottles beforecleaningthem.
- Unscrew the tops and set them in a container of warm soapywaterto avoid losing them down the drain.
- Fill a large pot or sink with soap and hot water.
- Rinse the bottles and tops thoroughly.
- Stand the bottles upside down on a well-ventilateddryingrack.
Accordingly, how do you sterilize bottles?
How to Sterilize Baby Bottles
- Fill a large, clean pot with enough water to coverthebottles.
- Submerge the freshly washed bottles in the water upsidedown,making sure there aren't any air bubbles at the bottom.
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Boil the bottles for five minutes (check manufacturerguidelinesfor variations).
The Transportation Security Administration allowsparentswith infants to carry on a "reasonable amount" ofpowdered orliquid formula on a plane, along with emptybottles and icepacks. In other words, formula, along withpumped breastmilk, is exempt from the three-liquid-ouncelimit.