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Asked by: Wanli Matanca
medical health foot healthHow do you stop a bruised toenail from falling off?
- soaking it in cold water for 20 minutes.
- elevating it.
- clipping any sharp or jagged edges of the remaining nail.
- cleaning any exposed part of your nail bed and applying anantibiotic ointment.
- applying a fresh bandage daily for the next 7 to 10 days, oruntil the skin hardens.
Similarly, it is asked, will my toenail fall off if it is bruised?
Unless the area of bleeding is very small, an affectednail will usually fall off on its own after severalweeks because the pooled blood has separated it from its bed. A newfingernail can regrow in as little as 8 weeks. A newtoenail may not fully regrow for about 6months.
Furthermore, how long does it take for a bruised toenail to go away?
The nail itself will take longer to recover. Thediscolored nail will eventually grow out — or in some casesit may fall off or need to be removed — and be replaced by anew, healthy one. This could take anywhere from about eightweeks for a fingernail to six months for atoenail.
Coat the area with antibiotic ointment and top with anonstick bandage. Change the bandage every day and whenever it getswet. (If any part gets stuck, soak it under warm running wateruntil it slips off.) For the first couple of days, ease any painand swelling by propping up your foot.