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Asked by: Marjory Zacchi
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do you stop a fluorescent light from being interference?
Regarding this, how do I stop static on my fluorescent lights?
Try tightening it with your fingertips to eliminate theRFI. If your antenna is the lamp cord style, make sure it issecured tightly to the back of the radio. Move the antennacord around and see if the interference stops. Tryshortening the length of wire between your radio andspeakers.
- Use a quality LED bulb.
- Change the transformer to one with better EMI suppression, suchas our Verbatim LED transformer.
- Shorten the cable length, and if possible use a shieldedcable.
- Add an EMI filter at the input / output of thetransformer.
Furthermore, why do fluorescent lights cause radio interference?
Conducted EMI is injected back into the powersystem through the ballasts conductors. This type of EMI maycause interference with devices on the same electricaldistribution network. Radiated EMI is radiated into the airby the fluorescent lamp, ballast, conductors, or ungroundedfixture.
In the vast majority of cases, LED lights do whatthey're meant to. Some customers have reported thisinterference on their TV or radio after upgradingMR16 downlights to LED. This only happens when thelights are switched on, but it can be annoying, especiallyif you enjoy AM radio!