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Asked by: Amneris Rosmaninho
family and relationships internet safetyHow do you stop people seeing you type on WhatsApp?
Also to know is, how can you tell if someone is typing on WhatsApp?
To tell if someone's online on Whatsapp,first, open the app and tap “Chats” at the top of thescreen. Then, tap on a conversation you've had with the person.Once you click on the chat, look under their name to view theirstatus. If they're using the app at that moment, it will say“Online.”
Beside this, how can I appear offline on WhatsApp in 2019?
Launch WhatsApp, and head to your Settings tab,located in the bottom right hand corner. Next, go to ChatSettings/Privacy > Advanced. Toggle the Last Seen Timestampoption to OFF, and then, select Nobody to disable the applicationtimestamps. This method will allow you to continue in"offline" mode.
Your WhatsApp privacy settings allow any user toview your "last seen" status. To change this, go to"Settings," click "Account" > "Privacy" > "LastSeen." Here, you can tweak your settings so only yourcontacts can see when you were last using the app, or so no onecan.