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Asked by: Clyde Grevenkamp
family and relationships divorceHow do you stop yourself from reaching out to your ex?
- Delete your ex's phone number from yourcontactslist. Some people reach out to their exes ina momentof weakness, while others do so in hopes ofreigniting someromantic interest.
- Unfriend or unfollow your ex on social media.
- Distance yourself from mutual friends forawhile.
- Try to find a sense of closure.
Similarly one may ask, how do I stop myself from texting my ex?
Read on to find nine tips to stop yourself from textinganex.
- Text A Friend Instead. Sometimes, you may just have the urgetosend a text.
- Go For A Walk.
- Write Down What You'd Want To Text Them.
- Hit Up A Dating App.
- Remember Why You Broke Up.
- Take A Nap.
- Self-Care Self-Care Self-Care.
- Think About Where The Text Could Lead.
Also asked, how do you stop yourself from texting someone?
9 Ways To Stop Yourself From Texting That Dude
- Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which helpwith"why-does-it-still-say-unread" stress.
- Start a creative project.
- Pick up an extra shift at work.
- Manicure!
- Clean.
- Go somewhere you don't have service.
- Hang out with a friend who is also trying not to textadude.
- Give your phone to someone else.
There's no such thing as an altruistic"happybirthday!" text when exes are involved. Mostlybecausean ex can never just say "happy birthday!" Butthenagain, if you do say happy birthday, they mightnotrespond, or worse, they might respond with acold"Thanks."