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Asked by: Lisabeth Zhirkov
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you store fried tortillas?
Storing Corn Tortillas
Store in a cool dry place. Avoidstoringnear any source of heat.
Also to know is, how do you store flour tortillas?
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- Place the tortillas in a resealable plastic bag orairtightstorage container. Keep them in the refrigerator for up totwoweeks.
- Store the tortillas in the freezer if stocking up.
- Heat the tortillas up in the microwave once thawingiscomplete.
- Frying Oil 101.
- Good Oils for Frying at High Heat: Safflower, Sunflower,Peanut,Soy Oils, Vegetable , Canola , Refined Almond,Avacado,Cottonseed.
- Not So Good Oils for Frying at High Heat: Butter,Margarine,Olive Oil.
Accordingly, do flour tortillas need to be refrigerated?
It is not necessary to refrigerateflourtortillas; however, this will extend their shelflife.Tortillas can last more than three times longer if theyarerefrigerated after they are purchased.
How to Get Tortillas Crunchy
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
- Brush the tortillas with olive oil and lay the tortillasflat,in a single layer, on a baking sheet.
- Bake the tortillas in the oven for five minutes or untiltheyare crispy and golden brown in color.