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Asked by: Nasir Lopez Pablo
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you store Italian Meringue Buttercream?
Just so, how do you store Italian meringue frosting?
It should be shiny and stiff. Allow to cool completelybefore using. Cover with clingfilm until ready to use. Italianmeringue can be stored in the fridge for up to twodays.
Simply so, does Italian Meringue Buttercream hold up in heat?
The Italian meringue is smoother and less sweetbut softer, and the easy buttercream is a little moreconducive to piping roses etc. Both are delicious and can be usedto frost and decorate your wedding cakes. Hope that helps youout.
Swiss meringue is smoother, silkier, and somewhatdenser than French meringue and is often used as a base forbuttercream frostings. Italian meringue (shown below)is made by drizzling 240-degree Fahrenheit sugar syrup into whitesthat have already been whipped to hold firm peaks.