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Asked by: Khadouja Gherardi
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you store lemons at home?
- Store lemons for immediate use. If you plan to usethelemons within a few days of purchase, store themawayfrom direct sunlight.
- Store extra lemons sealed in therefrigerator.Place the lemons in zip-locked bags, squeezingout as muchair as you can.
Similarly one may ask, what is the best way to store fresh lemons?
While there's nothing wrong with keepingyourlemons out on the counter (especially if you don't buymorethan you can use before they dry out), they'll definitelystayfresh longer if you put them in the fridge inasealed plastic bag.
Similarly, it is asked, how long can you keep lemons in the fridge?
about 3 to 4 weeks
At their freshest, lemons have a brightyellowrind, tart taste, zesty aroma, and are quite firm to thetouch.Over time, they will lose some of the aroma, becomesquishy,or sometimes even slimy. Unless you're seeing any signs ofmold,it's really up to you to choose if the lemon is still goodenoughto use or not.