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Asked by: Yiqiang Barzola
home and garden home appliancesHow do you stretch carpet with a carpet kicker?
- Place a knee kicker about 3-inches from a long wallneara corner.
- Use it to push and hook the carpet into position onthetack strip.
- Move along the wall as you strike the kickertostretch and pull any wrinkles or slack fromthecarpet as you latch it to the strips.
Similarly one may ask, how do I stretch carpet?
- Clear and shampoo the carpet. Remove all furniture andotheritems from the carpet you need to stretch.
- Peel the old carpet back.
- Pull out staples or tacks from the pad before lifting itfromthe floor.
- Remove the old tack strips.
- Clean the floor.
- Fix any areas that need it.
Additionally, can you stretch carpet with furniture on it?
As a general rule the room needs to be 50% voidoffurniture in order to stretch thecarpetsproperly. Any knick knacks or breakables should beremoved fromfurniture and to a safe location as well aselectronicsshould be unplugged. We do not want to riskbreaking theseitems while attempting to maneuver aroundthem.
Although you can lay a carpet withoutastretcher or a knee kicker it is not recommended.Improperinstallation can lead to buckling and creases inyourcarpet that can ruin how it lies flat in yourroomand how it looks in general.