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Asked by: Nonito Ryjik
medical health bone and joint conditionsHow do you stretch your hip when it hurts?
- Lie on the back, extending both legs flat alongthe floor.
- Keeping the left leg straight, pull the rightknee up toward the chest.
- Place both hands on top of the knee to help pull it intoward the chest.
- Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
- Let go of the knee and gently lower the leg backtoward the floor.
Similarly one may ask, how do you stretch a sore hip?
Tilt your pelvis forward, tightening your gluteusmuscles (the muscles in your buttocks). Then lean away from theside of your hip that hurts, for instance to the left ifyou're kneeling on your right knee. You should feel astretch from the top of your hip bone down the sideof your leg to your knee, Humphrey says.
People also ask, does stretching help hip pain?
Whether it's arthritis getting you down, bursitiscramping your style, or the effects of sitting at a desk all day— hip pain is no fun. These moves can helpstretch and strengthen your hip muscles, allowing you tomove pain-free.
Here's what to do.
- Rest. The first thing Humphrey tells her patients is to rest,which means avoiding the activities that cause the pain.
- Ice. Applying an ice pack to the area where you're feeling thepain can reduce inflammation and make your hip feel better.
- Compression.
- Elevation.