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Asked by: Mohamad Grosshaus
medical health infectious diseasesHow do you take a blood culture sample?
Discard the used equipment into the appropriate waste bin.
- Insert the needle and observe for flashback.
- Secure the needle.
- Attach aerobic blood culture bottle to the adapter.
- Fill the aerobic blood culture bottle.
- Detach aerobic blood culture bottle.
- Attach the anaerobic blood culture bottle.
Similarly, which blood culture bottle do you draw first?
If collecting from an adult or adolescent, the aerobic bottle (blue top) must always be inoculated first to avoid the release of air from the syringe into the anaerobic bottle. Dispose of the needle and syringe appropriately (e.g. in a sharps bin).
Similarly, it is asked, where Should blood cultures be taken?
Blood cultures should be taken from a CVAD in combination with a separate peripheral IV sample when investigating potential central venous catheter-related septicaemia.
2 to 3 days