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Asked by: Eduardo Brinkschmidt
home and garden home appliancesHow do you take apart a Whirlpool stackable washer and dryer?
How to Remove a Stackable Washer & Dryer
- Pull the stackable unit away from the wall.
- Unplug the power cord of the unit from the wall socket it is attached to.
- Tilt the front of the washer/dryer unit and slide the bottom of a dolly underneath.
- Open the washer door.
- Unhook the connections which connect the washing machine to the dryer.
Similarly, how do you remove the front panel of a Whirlpool stackable washer?
How to Remove Front of Whirlpool Thin Twin Washer
- Unplug the Whirlpool Thin Twin washer/dryer combo from the wall electrical outlet.
- Insert a large flat-head screwdriver into the two rear retainer clips in the top panel of the washer.
- Remove the two screws that secure the front panel to the panel brace with a Phillips-head screwdriver.
- Remove any items currently inside the washer or dryer unit.
- Pull the unit away from the wall by carefully wiggling it from the sides.
- Unplug the unit from the wall and then disconnect the drain hose.
- Tilt the unit at a slight angle and slide an appliance dolly beneath the unit.
Also know, how do you separate a stackable washer and dryer?
How to Remove a Stackable Washer & Dryer
- Pull the stackable unit away from the wall.
- Unplug the power cord of the unit from the wall socket it is attached to.
- Tilt the front of the washer/dryer unit and slide the bottom of a dolly underneath.
- Open the washer door.
- Unhook the connections which connect the washing machine to the dryer.
Washers How to Remove Front Panel 1995 to Current Models
- Unplug the washer from the wall outlet.
- Locate 2 spring clips between top and front panel (Approximately 4 inches in from corners.)
- Insert putty knife between top and front panel and push in to release clips.
- Pull top of front panel forward, lift up and off bottom locating tabs.