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Asked by: Xisca Juncal
family and relationships daycare and pre schoolHow do you take care of a newborn goat?
- Give them a warm and dry space. Part of keepingyourbabygoat happy and healthy will involve giving them aproperspaceto live in.
- Clean the navel cord.
- Leave the baby goat with the mother.
- Let your baby goats get milk from their mother.
Also, how much do you feed a newborn goat?
A healthy newborn goat will likely weighbetween8and 11 pounds at birth. Feed 2 ouncesofcolostrum-replacerpowder per 4 pounds of body weight. Plantosplit the mixed solutioninto two or three feedings in the first24hours oflife.
In this manner, how do I feed a newborn goat?
Bottle feed the goat kidfrequent,smallmeals of milk or milk replacer. Kid goatsshouldbefed at least 4 times per day to avoid digestiveissuesuntilthey are 30 days old. At this point you can reduce thenumberofdaily feedings to 3. This mimics the natural nursingbehaviorofbaby goats.
Weeks 7-10 weeks: Give 2 bottles perday,inthe morning and evening. Each bottle should have10-15ouncesmilk depending on the weight and appetite of the kid.Weeks10-12:Start reducing the amount of milk per bottle orgodown to 1bottle a day.