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Asked by: Liselotte Kempfer
sports poker and professional gamblingHow do you take care of a red hot poker plant?
Beside this, do you cut back red hot poker plants?
Cutting Back Red Hot Poker Plants The plant rests for several months to begin growing again in spring. While it is possible to cut back foliage at this state, you'll do better to use it to protect the plant in winter. If you tie the foliage over the center of the plant, the crown is protected and insulated.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what do you do with red hot pokers after flowering?
Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning Red hot poker flower spikes will begin to bloom in the springtime. As old flowers fade, remove them by cutting at the base of the stem, to promote continuous growth through the fall.
A water issue can cause Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia) to under perform. Lack of water when the bloom is forming is usually the culprit. When Iris become buried too deep it will produce lovely foliage, but no blooms. So, you might check the kniphofia and see if the much and leaves have gotten to thick on top of the plant.