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Asked by: Neida Juravkov
medical health skin and dermatologyHow do you take care of cucumber plants?
Also asked, how often do you water cucumber plants?
Cucumbers are vigorous growers and thereforeneedbetween 1 and 2 inches of water per week, depending ontheweather and the characteristics of your soil. The key is tokeepthe soil slightly moist at all times. Water deeplyaboutonce or twice a week — and more often ifyou'regardening in sandy soil.
Beside this, do cucumbers plants need support?
Like peas, cucumbers need a strongsupportthat still is slender enough to grasp, such as wire,twine orsturdy netting with large mesh. Guide the youngplants uponto the support, and from there, they'llfigure it out.Melons. They climb by tendrils, likecucumbers, andcan be grown on a very strongstructure.
Overwatering is one of the worstthingsthat can happen in a garden. Although you maythinkyou are helping your cucumbers by wateringmoreoften, too much water can damage and quickly kill thembyallowing roots to sit in damp soil and by removingbeneficialoxygen from the soil.