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Asked by: Rolandas Zhvirblis
home and garden smart homeHow do you take care of eggplant in the garden?
Choose a very sunny spot. Eggplant grows best ina well-drained sandy loam or loam soil, fairly high in organicmatter. The soil pH should be between 5.8 and 6.5 for best growth.Use a covering of black plastic mulch to warm heavyclay soils before setting out transplants.
Likewise, how do you take care of eggplant plants?
Because eggplant really needs warm soil togrow well, gardeners in cool climates often do best growingthe plants in large, dark-colored containers. On a sunnyday, soil temperatures inside black pots may be 10 degrees or morehigher than in-ground soil temperatures.
Also asked, how long does it take to grow an eggplant?
100 to 120 days
Soil Condition Eggplants need well-drained soil, rich innitrogen and phosphorous for optimal growth. If your soil lacks anyof these conditions, your eggplants will growfoliage, but not bear any fruit.