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Asked by: Iomara Brandelstein
home and garden landscapingHow do you take care of Italian cypress trees?
Hereof, how do you take care of Italian cypress?
Italian Cypress prefer to grow in dry conditions. During its first growing season, water regularly to help establish a healthy and robust root system. To water, deep soak around the root ball. Install emitters about one and a half feet from the trunk.
Correspondingly, how often should you water Italian cypress trees?
Your Italian cypresses have a moderate water need so be sure you water them deeply twice a week during the hottest summer month and taper off to once a week during the fall, winter and spring. The drooping branches can indicate a need for water. Adjust your watering schedule and I think you'll see an improvement.
Cypress canker is a fungus that infects the tree bark and progressively kills tissue, turning the leaves brown and killing them. Cracks in the bark where a canker developed reveal the area where the fungus invaded the tree. Remove infected branches when the tree has only minimal damage.