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Asked by: Miroslawa Mollenbeck
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you take the bitterness out of lemon peel?
- Angle your knife and cut away the rind in a arc-shaped motion.
- Continue cutting all around the lemon.
- The pith (white part) of the lemon can also taste bitter, so you can also cut most of the pith away, too, until you have a beautiful, juicy lemon core.
In this regard, how do you get rid of the bitter taste of lemon?
Lemon Rind and Baking Soda For example, if your recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of lemon zest, cut that amount in half. If a recipe containing lemon only calls for baking powder, try adding 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda to neutralize acidity while cooking.
Keeping this in view, how do you neutralize bitter taste?
Bitter is the opposite of acidic/sour so adding citrus juice, vinegar or tangy non-dairy yogurt can help balance the dish. Squeeze some lemon over your sauteed collard greens. The lime in this Magical Roasted Corn and Lime Tortilla Soup helps to balance the red spices like chile powder which can be bitter.
You need only a small amount of baking soda for a too-lemony dish. Roughly 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda for 1 cup of liquid should be enough. Too much baking soda can lead to a soapy taste, so use it sparingly. If possible, don't add salt to your food until you have neutralized the excess acid from the lemon juice.