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Asked by: Kike Espert
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you take the keyless chuck off a Hitachi drill?
Herein, how do you remove a keyless drill chuck?
Hold the drill down firmly on a solid workbench,then insert the chuck key and hit it sharply with a mallet(turning it counterclockwise) to loosen the drill chuck fromthe threaded spindle. You may have to repeat this several times toloosen stubborn chucks. Unscrew the old drillchuck.
Also asked, how do you remove a keyless chuck from a Black and Decker drill?
REMOVING THE CHUCK (KEYLESSCHUCKS) Proceed as follows: To remove the chuck,open the jaws, hold it firmly in one hand and with a screwdriverheld in the other hand, turn the set-screw in the chuckclockwise approximately one turn, to loosen it. Place an allen keyin the chuck and tighten the jaws.
How to Tighten a Drill Chuck
- Adjust the vise by rotating the collar until it is openslightly more than size of the shaft of the bit you are using.
- Hold the bit in place and turn the collar clockwise until thevise clamps the shaft of the bit.
- Grasp the collar firmly and continue to turn clockwise until itwill no longer turn under heavy pressure.