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Asked by: Abderrazzak Bagashev
sports horse racingHow do you teach a horse to side pass on the ground?
In respect to this, how do you teach a horse to side pass?
Lift your right rein up near the saddle horntolift your horse's right shoulder and hold it in place.4.Use left-leg pressure behind the cinch, toward the flank, andtakeyour right leg off to move your horse's hipsaroundhis front end. Let your horse relax when you get acouple ofcorrect steps.
Beside above, what is it called when a horse walks sideways?
Pirouette – This movement is generally performedatthe collected walk or canter where thehorse'sforehand circles around the hind limbs at a distanceequal to thelength of the horse. The horse should beslightlybent in the direction that he is traveling.
But, side passes are useful even ifyourhorse is just a pleasure horse. When doing asidepass your horse moves directly sideways inresponse toyour rein and leg aids. Teaching your horse to doa sidepass, also called a full pass, will make himmoreobedient, safer and more fun.