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Asked by: Yuehua Beckers
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you tell if you have plaster walls or drywall?
Push a thumbtack or pin into the wall in aninconspicuous spot to test its hardness. Drywall issofter and won't crack. Plaster is much harder. A plasterwall won't want to take the pin and will probablysplinter.
Also question is, can you drywall over plaster walls?
If the plaster walls in your home areunattractive or too costly to repair, you can cover themwith drywall and start fresh. Scrape any crumbledplaster off the lath and fill the resulting hollow with apatch of drywall. Once old plaster is stabilized, thewalls are usually sound enough for newdrywall.
Beside this, when did they stop using plaster walls?
Lath and plaster largely fell out of favour inthe U.K. after the introduction of plasterboard in the 1930s. InCanada and the United States it remained in use untildrywall began to replace the process in the 1950's.
Method 2 Medium to Heavy Pictures
- Determine where to hang your picture.
- Place painter's tape over the mark.
- Place another bit of tape below the hole.
- Carefully drill a hole into the plaster.
- Hammer an anchor into the wall.
- Fix the screw into your anchor.
- Clean the area.
- Hang up the picture.