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Asked by: Jovani Rosenstamm
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do you tell the difference between a roach and a water bug?
Similarly, you may ask, what does water roaches look like?
Similar to water bugs, cockroachesalsohave a flattened appearance and oval-shaped bodies. Mostaretan or reddish-brown to black in color.
Also know, what does baby water bugs look like?
Most are about two inches long and one inchwide,but some species can grow to be 4 inches inlength.Giant water bugs are tan or brown withflatoval-shaped bodies.
Oriental Cockroachvs.Waterbug One common example of an insect that is referredtoas a waterbug is actually the orientalcockroach(Blatta orientalis). Oriental cockroaches(water bugs) areshiny and black or dark brown in color. Nymphs ofthe species aresmaller.