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Asked by: Domnica Berdonces
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you test a capacitor on an electric motor?
- Use your digital multimeter (DMM) to ensure all power to thecircuit is OFF.
- Visually inspect the capacitor.
- Turn the dial to the Capacitance Measurement mode ( ).
- For a correct measurement, the capacitor will need to beremoved from the circuit.
- Connect the test leads to the capacitorterminals.
Also know, how do you check if a capacitor is bad with a multimeter?
To test the capacitor with a multimeter,set the meter to read in the high ohms range,somewhere above 10k and 1m ohms. Touch the meter leads tothe corresponding leads on the capacitor, red topositive and black to negative. The meter should start atzero and then moving slowly toward infinity.
Secondly, what happens when a motor capacitor goes bad?
A bad motor capacitor may cause starting problemsor could shut off the motor while running. Motorcapacitors store electrical energy for the motor to use.The higher the capacitance of the capacitor the more energyit can store. If it is not attached to the motor at twopoints it needs to be replaced.
How to Size Capacitors for a Compressor
- Consult the owner's manual for your air conditioner to see ifit lists the capacitor size it requires.
- Multiply the full load amps by 2,650.
- Multiply the working power of the motor (it should be listed inkilowatts in your owner's manual) by the power factor in table 1included in the Resource below.