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Asked by: Ansa Jareño
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you test a taco zone valve?
Considering this, what is a taco zone valve?
The Taco zone-valve is an electricityoperated valve used for zone control of hydronicheating and/or cooling systems. It controls the flow of water in aroom or zone in response to the demands of the room orzone thermostat. This valve is a precisely madedevice and must be installed with care.
Accordingly, how does zone valve work?
Explanation of Zone Valves on Heating Boilers -Controlling Hot Water Heat. In all cases, when the zonevalve is fully open, an "end switch" inside the valvetells the heating system's circulator to begin operating, causinghot water to flow through the zone.
Boiler zone valves are used as a way ofseparating different zones in the heating system. This makesit possible to direct water around all of the radiators or justsome of them. Boiler zone valves are fully automatic andcontrolled by electronic motors. Over time these can fail andbecome damaged.