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Asked by: Lijana Melzner
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you test a turkey for doneness?
People also ask, how do I know if my turkey is done without a thermometer?
The internal temperature should reach180°F.To check for doneness without athermometer, piercethe thigh and pay attention tothe juices: ifthe juices run clear, it'scooked, and if thejuices are reddish pink, it needsmore time. Put the turkeyback in the oven andcheck again after a shorttime.
Also Know, is Turkey done at 165 or 180?
Some confusion is inevitable, as until 2006, theFDArecommended a cooking temperature of 165 for the breastmeatand 180 for the thighs. For turkey that's165degrees, you'll want to remove the bird from the ovenwhen thetemperature reaches 155 to 160 degrees because it willcontinue tocook outside the oven.
165 °F