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Asked by: Anatoliy Gergen
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow do you test for palladium metal?
To test if Palladium is real put a drop of22 acid test onto your mark. If the mark turns yellowishgreen it's real Palladium. If it does not change colors andfades away then it is fake.
Moreover, how can you tell if something is real platinum?
- Locate any identifying marks on your jewelry. These markingswill be etched into the metal.
- Look for marks indicating silver jewelry. Some coins andjewelry will have a stamp with the numbers “999."
- Find any marks indicating platinum jewelry.
- Run a magnet over the jewelry.
- Perform the light test. Under a bright light look at theunderside of the ring where your finger comes in contact with tablesurfaces.
- Check for rhodium plating on a new ring.
- Check for rhodium plating using the the "wear test."
Thereof, what kind of metal is palladium?
Palladium is a soft silver-white metalthat resembles platinum.
Platinum doesn't stick to a magnet. I workfor a Jewelry Distributor/Manufacturer/Refinery and we useCobalt as an alloy on some of our Platinum rings. Theserings will attract to a magnet.