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Asked by: Aridany Poshibalov
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do you test visual fields?
Similarly, it is asked, what is a normal visual field test result?
The Visual Field A normal visual field extendsapproximately100° temporally (laterally), 60° nasally,60°superiorly, and 70° inferiorly [2]. A physiologicscotoma (ablind spot) exists at 15° temporally where the opticnerveleaves the eye.
Secondly, is visual field test accurate?
Reliability of visual field testing isdifficultto control and often requires repeat testing toassureaccurate results. Patient attention and ability areprimaryconsiderations, but there are many other factors thatinfluencevisual field performance.
A common cause of loss ofperipheralvision (also called a peripheral fielddefect) is opticnerve damage from glaucoma. Eye "strokes"(occlusions) that blocknormal blood flow to the eye'sinternal structures,including the optic nerve, also can leadto loss ofperipheral vision.